Roulette’s popularity has spread like wildfire in recent years, enabling gamblers to experience numerous exhilarating variations that offer increased payouts or odds of success while maintaining its core rules.
American Roulette offers high-risk/high-reward gameplay, while European Roulette provides consistent outcomes and predictability.
European Roulette
European Roulette stands out as an extremely popular variant of roulette. You can often find this game at land-based casinos and major casino operators websites alike.
European Roulette offers similar betting options as its American counterpart; however, without featuring a double zero it offers lower house edges which makes this format more suitable for players employing strategies or betting systems to increase chances of success.
As well as traditional inside and outside bets, many European Roulette games offer specialty wagers like Orphelins, Voisins du Zero and Tiers du Cylindre – each marked with their respective payouts on the table layout – in addition to standard inside/outside bets. Another interesting option available to players is Multi-Wheel Roulette which allows them to place bets simultaneously on up to six wheels simultaneously; though not always available at casinos it offers players a unique way of experiencing roulette with higher potential payout potential than standard inside/outside bets alone.
American Roulette
American Roulette quickly spread throughout the nation after nationwide gambling prohibition in the early 1900s, becoming one of the most profitable casino games thanks to its wide array of betting options and subsequent introduction of an additional zero, or “00”, in order to increase house odds and make gambling establishments even more lucrative.
Strategies are key when playing American Roulette. Take advantage of special rules unique to this variant such as En Prison and La Partage which allow players to retain half their bet if the ball lands in zero pocket, respectively. Furthermore, European Roulette boasts an overall lower house edge at just 2.70% which provides better long-term winning opportunities.
French Roulette
Roulette players have many betting options at their disposal and these can be divided into two main groups: Inside bets or Outside bets. Inside bets involve selecting either an exact number for which the ball will land on or a small grouping of adjacent numbers on the table layout; outside bets cover an array of numbers such as red/black, odd/even, low/high numbers (1 through 36) that fall outside these criteria.
French roulette stands out among casino Roulette games due to its lower house edge. Featuring only one zero pocket and offering players similar betting rules as European roulette but with the additional “La Partage” rule allowing them to retain half of even money bets when hitting on zero, French roulette stands out.
This variation can be found online and many operators have added it to their game selection due to its popularity among roulette players globally.
Multi-Wheel Roulette
Roulette fans who seek an active experience may appreciate multi-wheel games, which allow them to place bets simultaneously on multiple wheels. While each variant offers slightly different odds, all generally provide higher payouts than single wheel variants.
Players can find Multi-Wheel Roulette games at many online casinos that use Microgaming software, with this variant featuring up to eight wheels at the same time and offering all of the same rules and betting options as standard European roulette.
Bets on roulette differ slightly from bets on other casino games in that when placing one on any number of wheels in play, your stake multiplies according to that number – for example if you stake $10 on one wheel which spins across six times, your real wager becomes PS30. As with all casino gambling, responsible gaming practices should always be followed and bankroll management implemented to avoid betting beyond your financial means.